Our team

Since our inception, we have been very fortunate to have been enriched by a variety of personalities, with different and complementary experiences.

Coming from all walks of life, we are driven by the same desire:

To provide a living environment where young people feel listened to, accepted and safe.

Organic fruit. Farmers hands with freshly harvested fruit. Fresh organic apples


Martin Riopel


Mariette Philippe


Staff members

Marika Nieuwenhuis

Youth worker

Meghan Lunam

Coordinator Youth worker

Mélissa Langevin

Gardener Youth worker

Charlotte Becker

Youth worker

Sheri Deline

Youth worker

The members of the Board of Directors

Geneviève Has

Board of Directors

Kim Laroche

Board of Directors

Maryse Vallières

Director Board of Directors

Chrissy Payne

Board of Directors

Theme: Overlay by Kaira