Who is our programme for?

The Pontiac Educational Garden offers re-education, reintegration and reorientation services to young people referred by schools and by organizations offering psychosocial services.

Our clientele is made up of young people experiencing difficulties in adapting and integrating into school, society or the family.

A welcoming and listening environment

We are often the last resort for students to avoid dropping out or failing their school year. Services are offered, preferably to young people, as a preventive measure.

Our school provides a welcoming and supportive environment where young people develop a sense of trust in our staff. 

Respite for schools, an alternative to dropping out

The Pontiac Educational Enrichment Program (P.E.E.P.) is an alternative school program designed to prevent school drop-out among youth aged 6 to 17.

We serve two school boards: the Hauts-Bois de l’Outaouais school board, which is French-speaking, and the Western Quebec school board, which is English-speaking.

So we have 4 programmes:

  • Primary and secondary in French
  • Primary and secondary English

The work, often individual, between the counsellor and the young person allows us to implement an individualised intervention plan and to achieve the set objectives.

When a student is integrated into the school programme, a psychosocial worker works to create a meaningful connection with the young person.

Once the link is well established and the young person has identified personal objectives to work on, the practitioner begins to propose activities that are in line with his or her interests and that aim to achieve these objectives.

When a student is integrated into the school programme, the school-based worker, like the psychosocial worker, works to create a meaningful connection with the young person.
The school workers assign academic work specifically for them to do from work sent in by the schools or using material they have developed. Most of the time, the assignment is accompanied by explanations or revision of the material.
Practitioners create a positive classroom atmosphere by building meaningful relationships with students and valuing their achievements.

Gym periods are scheduled. The frequency and intensity of physical activities are adapted to the different young people, according to their needs.

Soccer, football, basketball, baseball, walking… we have also introduced yoga for all and breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation for some.

Our team

Since our inception, we have been very fortunate to have been enriched by a variety of personalities, with different and complementary experiences.

Coming from all walks of life, we are driven by the same desire: to offer a living environment where young people feel listened to, accepted and where they can evolve in complete safety.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira